
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Natural African Hair Styles


The Dangers of Hair Relaxers
Hair Relaxers are generally used to straighten tightly curled hair and there are two main types:
- Lye Relaxers
- No Lye Relaxers
No Lye relaxers are a milder form of Lye relaxers, however both contain the chemical ingredient Sodium Hydroxide which is also used in various other cleaning detergents. It can easily dissolve through surfaces like fabric, plastic and even the skin. When it seeps through the hair, it breaks the natural bonds that are meant to protect the hair, altering its natural structure. Hair relaxers generally have a PH ranging from 11 – 14 and can easily be described as corrosive as they will either destroy or damage another substance it comes into contact with. Human hair has a PH level of about 4.5-5.5 and after a relaxer has been placed on the hair, a neutraliser is applied. Neutralisers generally have a PH 3 and it is designed to bring the hair back to its acidic range after a relaxer has been used, but this does not make any difference. Once the hair has been straightened it cannot be reversed as the hair follicles are permanently damaged which results in weakened or damaged hair. Breakage can occur when the chemical bonds in the hair are broken. This happens especially in the case of hair that is already damaged or a relaxer that has been applied wrongly.
Continual use of a relaxer can cause alopecia where hair follicles are damaged beyond repair or completely wiped out. This can lead to one being completely bald. Hence why you have many middle aged black women covering their loss with weaves and wigs. I’ve come across many of them in the hair salons and it’s certainly not a pretty sight.
Though the chemicals found in Relaxers, aren't as concentrated enough to "disintegrate" your hair as they would in drain systems but they are concentrated enough to make your hair actually FALL OUT, but not only does sodium Hydroxide have the potential to permanently damage your hair follicles, research has shown that breathing in this toxic chemical can also damage the lungs. ATSDR the Agency for toxic substances and disease registry states:
“Sodium hydroxide is very corrosive and can cause severe burns in all tissues that come in contact with it. Inhalation of low levels of sodium hydroxide as dusts, mists or aerosols may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory airways. Inhalation of higher levels can produce swelling or spasms of the upper airway leading to obstruction and loss of measurable pulse; inflammation of the lungs and accumulation of fluid in the lungs may also occur.”

Sunday 1 September 2013


St Churboy and the G.W.G. (Good With God ) team have done it again, listen and download their latest album- New Role Models. The album features: Saint Churboy  | Muzzie | Luminous | Terence T | GTi | Tawanda | Tha Cypha | Asaph | Feel Music

Download Dean Dj Bird- Mix Session 4.mp3

Dean Bird (Zimbabwe) is a 22 year old upcoming DJ currently based in Mildura,Victoria in Australia. He plays hip hop and Electro House.If you love your Electro House straight up and have a craving for club bangers,then he is your guy.Follow him on twitter

Friday 30 August 2013

African Weddings in Pictures

African weddings are a family affair and involve the combining of two lives, two families, and sometimes even two communities! There are many different wedding traditions in the African continent and no two are exactly alike. 

Monday 19 August 2013

Interview with Sylvia Wamboi (Miss Africa Perth, 2013)

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself & your background
I come from a small town in Kenya known as Eldoret. I have 2 older brothers who have always been protective of me and my parents have always been strict with me especially my father.
Am 22 years of age and an international student in Perth doing a degree in environment management. I have a passion for the environment and children. I love jazz music and the old music from artists such as Luther Vandross, Elton John, Lionel Richie, Whitney Huston and much more making the Ellington jazz club and the laneway lounge my favorite places to hang out with friends.

Q. As an Ambassador for all Africans in Perth, what is your Role?
I am to be a role model for the young Africans in WA, help with community events and functions

Q. What challenges have you faced in your new role?
Juggling my responsibilities with my studies has been a challenge which I have come to appreciate because it’s taught me how to manage my time

Q. What are your proudest moments to date in your role?
My proudest moment has to be representing the youth in Canberra during the 50th African union anniversary celebrations. It was such an awesome moment having to speak in front of high commissioners, diplomats and of course the foreign minister. I got the chance to recite the poem ‘I am an African' by South African Poet Wayne Viser, which the foreign minister used to open his speech with.
Another proud moment is when I go to collect clothes and give them out for donations through the African women council.

Q. As an African ambassador, what are your visions, missions and goals?
 I believe in fulfilling a dream. And for some people, a chance or a boost is all they need to move them closer to their dream. I would like to sponsor identified young immigrants by raising funds to sponsor what they are good in be it sports, music, academics

Q. What projects are you currently working on?
I am currently organising the Miss Africa Perth fundraiser which will be held on the 5th of October 2013. The cause of this fundraising will be to sponsor identified youths who are in need of financial assistance in order for them to further their education.

Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
5years from now, I see myself in Kenya as an environmental activist and who knows maybe the next Wangari Maathai

Friday 16 August 2013

Interview with Saint Churboy-Christian Rapper & Producer

Q. Tell us a little about yourself and your background
I go by the name Saint Churboy a.k.a Church Boy Beat. I'm a Christian rappa / Producer / Founder And president of GoodWithGod Music. I’m 27, single and naturally high lol

Q. When and how did you first become interested in music?
I was introduced to hip hop to be exact, in 1996 by my cousin brother Thulani, I was 11years old then.

Q. Who are your biggest musical influences?
I'm totally inspired by Lacrea, Jay.z still inspires me regardless of the fact that we are on different lanes musically lol

Q. As a musician, and producer what challenges have you faced?
 Major Challenge is being independent, you have to organize your own gigs, finances and market your own work

Q. Has there been one particular moment in your musical career that you’re most proud of?
When i first heard myself on radio in 2009, that day became historic lol that was too dope for me

Q. What else do you do besides play music?
Besides music I'm a motivational speaker, and a minister of the Gospel

Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
In 5 years time I see myself as an internationally recognized artist and speaker, a father, hubby of a beautiful woman & with a successful brand (GWG Inc.)

Q. What projects are you currently working on?
Being that I'm so addicted to the studio I'm currently working on a compilation album which features GWGMusic recording artists. It’s dropping on the 1st of Sept 2013, plus we have concerts lined up for the year, so we are keeping busy.

Q. How can people get in touch with you for bookings?
People can hit me up for bookings by emailing us on and definitely we'll make it happen

Q. Where else can we find you? (YouTube, website, twitter, facebook etc)
You can also catch your boy on Twitter @Churboy or @GWG_Music on facebook its "St. Churboy" or "GWG Music" visit and on YouTube "stchurboy"

Q. What advice do you have for aspiring musical artists?
My advice is always the same, enjoy what you are doing and commit it to the Lord .......WORD!